Northwood Hills Homeowners Association ☆ P O Box 800874 ☆ Dallas, TX 75380-0874



Want to see what’s happening in Northwood Hills? The Northwood Hills Breeze gets published and mailed to residents about four times per year with tons of useful information including details about new regulations or initiatives from the city, helpful tips related to the particular season we’re in, a community calendar, a real estate report, contact information for Board members, a bulk trash collection schedule, and much more! Local businesses advertise in it as well, which helps to underwrite the cost of the publication and showcases service providers who cater to Northwood Hills. Read our most recent newsletter. To find out about some of our recent projects, check out our blog posts below. To learn more about the benefits of membership, visit the Benefits page.

Interested? Membership runs on a calendar year basis, so join now for 2024 and start enjoying benefits immediately. Dues are $400 for the calendar year, but you can join now at a pro-rated amount. Pay online with Paypal or a credit card, send funds through Zelle to membership @, or mail your check to NHHA, PO Box 800874, Dallas, TX 75380. Thanks for your support!


NHHA Member Benefit: Free Paper Shredding and Electronics Recycling

One of NHHA’s most popular member benefits, the Annual Shred Event, took place in early June. Over the span of three hours, NHHA Members lost thousands of pounds – pounds of paper and electronics, that is. Thanks to Action Shred, sensitive documents were shredded on-site, usually before the Member even drove away! They also collected old, broken, or unused electronics for recycling. Quite a few members were grateful to clear up closet space previously occupied by outdated computer towers and printers. With NHHA Board Members and volunteers directing traffic and unloading cars, the process for drop-off was quick and easy. Members undoubtedly saved time and money by utilizing this FREE service inside the neighborhood.

NHHA enjoys offering this beneficial service to its members and appreciates those who participated.  It’s FREE for our members, thanks to our generous sponsors. If you are looking for a service provider inside the neighborhood, these sponsors are NWH residents, NHHA members, and have shown to consistently support our wonderful neighborhood:

Make sure your NHHA membership is current so you stay in the know about members-only events like this. 


By |June 10th, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

April Alley Clean-Up

The second weekend in April is the Annual April Alley Clean-Up. Since Bulk Trash pickup for Northwood Hills begins Monday, April 10, this is the perfect opportunity to tend to your alley and dispose of any brush or debris you clear out. Each homeowner is responsible for maintaining the area from their back property line to the center of the alley. That includes trimming bushes so they don’t scrape cars or obstruct the alley. Trees that overhang the alley are required to be trimmed up 15 feet to allow clearance for garbage collection trucks. If trucks have to maneuver to avoid your branches, trash, or other debris, chances are they will cause damage to your alley in the process! Let’s keep it clean.


By |April 3rd, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

2023 Annual Meeting

The Northwood Hills Homeowners Association Annual Meeting took place on Tuesday, February 7th at the District 11 Council office at the Prism Center (5580 Peterson Ln, Suite 175). Doors opened at 6:30pm for snacks and fellowship, with the business meeting starting at 7pm. Council Member Jaynie Schultz was on hand to provide updates about our District and answer your questions. Details were provided on the Association’s activities including Security, Beautification, and Membership Outreach/Benefits. The 2023 Budget was presented and approved by the members in attendance. 

The annual report with the recap of 2022 and a snapshot of what we hope to accomplish in 2023 can be found here. The presentation slides from the meeting can be found here

By |January 26th, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments
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