Northwood Hills Homeowners Association ☆ P O Box 800874 ☆ Dallas, TX 75380-0874



Want to see what’s happening in Northwood Hills? The Northwood Hills Breeze gets published and mailed to residents about four times per year with tons of useful information including details about new regulations or initiatives from the city, helpful tips related to the particular season we’re in, a community calendar, a real estate report, contact information for Board members, a bulk trash collection schedule, and much more! Local businesses advertise in it as well, which helps to underwrite the cost of the publication and showcases service providers who cater to Northwood Hills. Read our most recent newsletter. To find out about some of our recent projects, check out our blog posts below. To learn more about the benefits of membership, visit the Benefits page.

Interested? Membership runs on a calendar year basis, so join now for 2024 and start enjoying benefits immediately. Dues are $400 for the calendar year, but you can join now at a pro-rated amount. Pay online with Paypal or a credit card, send funds through Zelle to membership @, or mail your check to NHHA, PO Box 800874, Dallas, TX 75380. Thanks for your support!


Pepper Square Redevelopment Update 2


Neighborhood leaders from NHHA, Prestonwood Trail, and Woodbriar had a meeting with Greg Miller, Masterpan, and Council Member Jaynie Schultz in late October. The HOA leaders again reiterated that the majority of our residents are not happy with the latest proposal set forward for Pepper Square and are seeking a redevelopment that includes less height and less density. Miller and Masterplan have made it clear that there’s a minimum amount of height and density necessary in order to justify the cost of redevelopment, especially if including a 2 acre park. We understand the developer has a profit motive, but HOA leaders charged them with reworking their proposal to include shorter towers, which in turn would reduce the number of residential units, in hopes of getting closer to the minimum. Basically, feedback from our residents has shown that we want to see a plan that revitalizes Pepper Square without overcrowding that corner, straining city resources, and drastically changing the landscape of our surrounding area. We are currently waiting on a revised proposal from Miller and Masterplan. Once received, we will share with residents so you can review, provide feedback, and we can discuss next steps. As of now, there is no date set for this rezoning request to go before the City Plan Commission. 


By |December 7th, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

Pepper Square Redevelopment Update

Many community meetings have been held since 2022 regarding the proposed rezoning of the Pepper Square site at the southeast corner of Belt Line and Preston Rd. If you have not been able to attend any of them, we urge you to get acquainted NOW with what is being proposed. The zoning request will likely make it in front of the City Plan Commission before the end of the year.

A rezoning of that site has the potential to dramatically change our area. Neighborhood input is required to bring about modifications to the development plan that allow for the revitalization of the shopping center without overwhelming our neighborhood. We have the potential to enact PD (planned development) conditions at the time of a zoning change approval that would implement restrictions on top of what’s allowed by right.

Below is a brief recap of the latest proposal presented by Masterplan, on behalf of Henry S. Miller:

The developer is requesting a change in zoning from CR (Community Retail) to MU2 (Multi-Use 2) at the Pepper Square Shopping Center. Multi-Use development allows options such as retail stores or services on the lower floor, and apartments, condos, or offices above them. The height for the Multi-Use zoning allows for more density than CR zoning. Please see the graphic below for the phases and build-out they are proposing:

In total, they are proposing the potential for 2,000 residential units at that site (over the next 25 years). The most immediate plan would be to add 350 multi-family units in a 7-story structure, some fine dining options, and a public park.

At the most recent public meeting held on July 31, Council Member Jaynie Schultz invited area residents to discuss the redevelopment.

Some concerns from residents at the meeting included:

  • Concern about increased density – 2000 multifamily units being proposed for Pepper Square, plus there are an additional ~2000 apartments already approved for the nearby Preston del Norte development, and we’re yet to see what will happen with the site owned by Tonti Properties at the southeast corner of Preston and Alexis.
  • Concern about traffic congestion – it was shared at the meeting that Preston and Belt Line is already considered the 2nd worst intersection in Dallas; a traffic analysis was performed and shared on the Masterplan website
  • Concern about the height of the proposed apartments facing Belt Line Rd (7 stories high) and the height of the proposed building on the Preston Road side (180 feet high).
  • Concern about the makeup of residential units to be added – some residents are opposed to any residential on the site and others prefer senior living or condos/townhomes instead of multi-family rentals.

Other comments from the meeting:

  • The developer has proposed 100,000 sf of park space in the development with pedestrian-friendly amenities as well as large sidewalks and enhanced landscaping.
  • There is a traffic study funded by the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) to assess potential remedies for traffic congestion. NCTCOG has a website where you can enter suggestions regarding the traffic along Preston and even comments on the Preston Beltline intersection. You will need to select “Launch Map Your Experience” and then make sure you’re selecting the right category (transit, pedestrian, roadway) before leaving a comment.

To see all of the documentation released by the developer’s representative regarding the proposed PS redevelopment, please visit\peppersquare\

NHHA is representing your interests by joining the Pepper Square Neighborhood Coalition along with leaders from Holiday Park, Valley View, Woodbriar, Prestonwood Trail, Prestonwood on the Park, the North Dallas Neighborhood Alliance, and other nearby neighborhoods. We are holding strategy meetings, seeking guidance from experts, posing questions to the developers, and setting up meetings with City staff. The next opportunity for you to get informed and provide feedback will be a meeting on October 10th at 7pm at Dallas Bible Church. Please RSVP and plan to attend.

In order to make sure your opinions are taken into account, we urge Northwood Hills residents to complete a survey after reviewing this post in its entirety and the Masterplan website. Pay special attention to the July 31 presentation on their website, as it’s the most recent proposal put forward.

By |August 11th, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

30th Annual NHHA Independence Day Parade and Celebration – Tuesday July 4

It takes a village to pull off NHHA’s signature event – the 30th Annual Independence Day Parade and Celebration. We need tons of volunteers, and if we all pitch in a little, you won’t miss out on any of the fun. Any time you are able to spare will be a big help in ensuring the success of the festivities. Please review the opportunities here and sign up for one or more spots! More instructions will be provided to volunteers as we approach the big day. 

We want to thank the sponsors who underwrite this event and ultimately make it possible! If the need arises, please consider using these service providers, as they have shown their support for Northwood Hills:

We’d also like to thank Morgan Meyer for Texas for making a contribution toward our event!

Here’s the schedule of events for Tuesday, July 4th:

7:45am — Parade registration opens

8:30am — Parade entries assemble

8:45am — National Anthem; Pledge of Allegiance

9:00am — Parade steps off! 

9:30am — Post-parade games/activities begin

10:15am — Announcement of Trophy Winners

11:30am — Games/activities wrap up 

Where: Pre- and post-parade activities are at Northwood Hills Elementary School. The Parade Route is south from the school on Meandering Way, west on Oakbluff, north on Brookcrest, east/northeast on Briar Cove, east on Cliffbrook across Meandering Way back to the school.

Parade Entries:  EVERYONE is welcome to be in the Parade. But, if you want to be considered for a Judges’ Prize/Trophy, you must register and get a number and be associated with a Northwood Hills address. You can do that on-site the morning of the Parade beginning at 7:45am, or IF YOU ARE AN NHHA MEMBER you can register in advance and avoid the line by emailing us. We’ll pre-register you and send you a PDF of your entry # so you can print it off and attach it in the best manner possible ahead of time. This is especially helpful if you want to display the number in more than one place.

Entries/Trophies: Strollers, trikes, bikes, wagons, decorated cars, vintage cars, golf carts, floats, walkers, dogs – bring it on! Our prize categories include Best Hat, Best in Blue, Best in Red, Fun & Fired Up Family, Most Patriotic, Best Motorized Entry, Most Original, Best Dressed Pet, and multiple Spirit awards for those who awe, amaze and defy conventional categories.

Important: Parade participants CANNOT throw candy, trinkets or anything else from your entry to the spectators. If you have a true float (a trailer pulled behind a vehicle), make sure you can navigate all turns safely, that your occupants are secure, and that you don’t have any loose items protruding from your float. 

Parade Order:The order in which we line up and proceed through the route is a function of safety for all participants, and is strictly enforced by on-site DPD officers.

  1. Floats, cars and trucks go first
  2. Other motorized vehicles, 4-wheelers and motorcycles
  3. Non-motorized bikes and small “wheeled” vehicles
  4. Strollers and pedestrians

Cost: Parade participation, and all games, activities and refreshments are FREE to everyone. The parade is paid for by Northwood Hills Homeowners Association with the assistance of sponsorships. 

Post-Parade Activities:  Inflatable games, bounce houses, basketball shoot out, dunk tank, popcorn, cotton candy, airbrush tattoos, balloon animals, popsicles, and more!

Dogs: Well-behaved dogs are welcome ON A LEASH. This is a big, active crowd. Please consider your dog’s temperament when evaluating whether or not to include him/her at the Parade. Dog shade/water available after the Parade.

There are NO bathroom facilities on-site. Don’t forget sunscreen! Bring your phone/camera!

Other: NO PARKING along Cliffbrook in front of the school – we need that area for staging the parade entries. There’s plenty of parking on the east side of the school along Birchridge.

By |June 21st, 2023|Categories: 4th of July|0 Comments
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